
oil painting

Thursday, June 2, 2011

In the Moment Exhibit

Opening in Middleburg, VA on Sunday! Following are glimpses of the exhibit:

In addition to the paintings on view, two friends who are remarkable poets have agreed to let me post a poem of each of theirs on the walls of the exhibit. The poems are as much paintings as anything else on the walls :

So In The End It’s Perception

a little sacredness in the midst of all the profanity and mediocrity
to hear the action you make surrendering intention
you have to turn around and be behind the other eyes
vanishing into those places at the edge of seeing and sight
place and destination are completely unavailable for a while
toying with the floral arrangements
as if your eyeballs were a leaf and a great gusting wind was let loose
you won’t know where you stand moving the words around until they feel right
it might be a place where people are gathering according to tone of voice
I need to hear someone speak who can really delay the background noise
in the midst of getting ready the particulars escape me   

—Craig Czury

And do you notice how,
when sitting still, the green
diffuses so that you,
alone in this bit of wood,
escape the highway?
You enter this translucent breath,
trees and beaded rain,
this place where summer’s
late, ragged wings graze
floating light. It’s one of those
moments when  a world opens
behind you, humming viriditas
and Earth’s redeeming mud
anoints your feet.

c. Michele Maria Surat 2005

PS "Viriditas" is Hildegarde of Bingen's word for "the greening of all things"

Here are some of the paintings in the exhibit: