
oil painting

Sunday, January 30, 2011

snow photo and snow wash/drawing

There was a slight glitch in the daily post attempt, but I hope to be back on track now.

Here is a photo from January 28th - the sky was glowing peach, apricot and pinks, while the snow took on violet and blue shadows. The photo does not do justice to the intensity of the colors.

I'm also posting a wash-drawing I did yesterday. It takes me a long time to acclimate and produce anything I feel is beyond just  a copy of what I see. I think interesting pieces happen when I visit and revisit places and things (and people), tasting and digesting the moments. It's so hard to talk about the creative process. 

1 comment:

  1. Marci, I love your blog! This muscular tree, so patiently bearing its cold wet load, reminds me that I too can be patient through the snowy challenges of this winter....
